Sale now have as many wins (12) this season as they did for the whole of last season with one home game to go before we finish 2016. In fact last season Preston beat us away and drew against us at home so this weekend’s result was a pleasant reversal of fortunes.

Even though there were three tries and a penalty try for Sale in this fixture it wasn’t a spectators game.  Perhaps it was the fact that we were on a second team pitch stood ankle deep in the mud or the heavy pitch which kept the wingers honest, either way, it was a game for the purest not the newly converted.

Preston were a tough team who created few chances but defended resolutely throughout.  We could just as easily have lost this game and if it were last year, we probably would have.  There were a few flash points and a five yellow cards (three for us).

High points included the step up from the 2nd XV for Druw Fray who managed to make his debut for Sale 1st XV for picking up a yellow card 30 minutes after coming on as a substitute for Gaz Rawlings who went off injured. All in all this was a pleasing win against a strong team who really shouldn’t be propping up the National 2 North League Table.