Saturday 12th October- Sale Fc 43 vs. 18 Blackheath


By: Bob Smith

Magnificent team effort restores Sale to winning ways.

Sale FC dispelled the gloom which followed last weeks home defeat with a 6 try showing of their own in this win over Blackheath. With full back Fergus Mulchrone picking up 2 tries and fly -half Chris Johnson kicking virtually every opportunity, Sale dominated the opposition in every facet of the game.

In the first minute, Blackheath had the opportunity to take the lead when No 8 Jared Williams conceded a penalty. Blackheath fly half Mark Cooke was unable to make it count.

The opening minutes were dominated by kicking exchanges , Sale quickly closing down the Blackheath defence, eventually Mulchrones chip through forced a 5 metre scrum , Blackheath carrying over their line.

The Sale pack soon asserted themselves and were awarded a penalty as the Blackheath scrum succumbed to the pressure.

Another scrum and a repeat of the Sale power gave number 8 Jared Williams the opportunity to peel off the base of the scrum to open the scoring with a try on 10 minutes.

Johnson converted.

Sale 7 Blackheath 0

With Johnson keeping the opposition under pressure with his tactical kicking, Sale extended the lead to 10 points with a Johnson penalty on 24 minutes.

Sale 10 Blackheath 0

Sale maintained the pressure , disrupting Blackheath both on set plays and in the loose when, against the run of play on 33 minutes, scrum half Jack Daly found centre Leo Fielding in space , with some 50 metres to run, Fielding scored, Cooke adding the extra points.

Sale 10 Blackheath 7

Within 3 minutes a brief moment of indecision between Matt Bradley and Fergus Mulchrone saw the Sale full back caught in possession on 22 metres , eventually conceding a penalty for not releasing. Cooke made no mistake with the kick as Blackheath drew level on 36 minutes.

Sale 10 Blackheath 10

The score didn’t reflect the degree of control which Sale had exerted but with half time approaching, Sale were awarded a penalty which Johnson drilled deep into the Blackheath 22 . Following a text-book line-out catch and drive the Sale skipper Andy Hughes went over to score, Johnson adding the extra points.

HT Sale 17 Blackheath 10

From the restart, Sale conceded two penalties in quick succession, the latter on Sales 22 metre line which Cooke duly dispatched .

Sale 17 Blackheath 13

Sale were next on the scoreboard on the 56th minute following a prolonged period of pressure with some really positive attacking play from all quarters eventually earning Sale a penalty which Johnson duly fired into touch deep inside the Blackheath 22.

As the Sale pack went through the phases driving to the line , the opposition were unable to prevent the inevitable which came with a Dan Burchall try on 56 minutes.

Johnson converted.

Sale 24 Blackheath 13

Some slick handling and sold tackling kept the visitors on the backfoot , winger Patrick Ah Van delighting the crowd with a number of exhilarating tackles.

Blackheath did threaten the Sale line in the last quarter only for a handling error presenting Mulchrone with the opportunity to sprint the length of the pitch ,outstripping the covering defence to score, taking the game further away from the visitors.

Another immaculate kick from Johnson adding the extras.

Sale 31 Blackheath 13

Sale really had the bit between their teeth now and took full advantage as strong running from James Williams took them deep into Blackheath territory, eventually winning a penalty which Johnson kicked to the corner.

Another solid catch and drive propelled Sale to the line with winger Jack Moorhouse joining in the drive and scoring on 70 minutes.

Johnson converted.

Sale 38 Blackheath 13

Minutes later Mulchrone scored his second try following a piece of slick handling from substitute Johnny Leota leaving the full back one on one with substitute Liebenberg whom he chipped past and scored from 20 metres.

The try was unconverted.

Sale 43 Blackheath 13

Blackheath did manage a consolation try from flanker Poole in the dying minutes but there was no escaping the all-round effort and skill from the whole Sale squad in registering a fine 6 try victory.

Final Score:   Sale FC  43  vs.  18  Blackheath



Many thanks to Bob Smith, a great report- was great weekend.

To watch the full game, click here