With our upmost respect, we would like to offer our condolences to a truly valued member of our community; Tom Barker, who sadly passed last week, 2019.

Tom Barker pictured in Lancashire team photo

Unfortunately, few of us had the pleasure of being in his company, as man of many traits he was beloved by all. A diverse player with the ability to play anywhere in the pack, apart from hooker, also referred to as the fat boy club, of which he was not. A great athlete, Tom also spent time playing with Lancashire county on many occasions.

Off the field Tom Barker was also exceptional, with the ability to take up any role; he became Vice President in 66, before impressively taking roles as President and Chairman- a true lifelong member and ambassador of the club.

He will be deeply missed by all his family, friends and Sale Fc community

We hope you Rest in Peace

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