Sale 1861 67 v 3 Preston Grasshoppers - League - 23rd February 2020, Sale Sharks Training Complex, Carrington, United Kingdom (Credit Image: Gareth Lyons for Sale 1861 - 2020©) OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


Sale FC would like to congratulate all of those who are trying to survive the fiasco of A Level results. We feel your frustration and stress.

  • We know that some of you still don’t know whether you’ve got into University or not.
  • We understand some of you are incredibly stressed by the whole process.
  • We realise all of you will have been on a rollercoaster of emotions since schools were closed.

Stress and Sport

However, we also know that once you do manage to navigate this difficult time, sports can be a great way to deal with the stress. Are you hoping to attend University of Manchester, University of Salford  or Manchester Metropolitan University? Then when you get here, come down and join us.

Matt Bradley & Emiliano Calle Rivas

We have  an amazing setup where you can meet people, have some fun and reduce your stress!

Sale FC Rugby club is recruiting women and men of all abilities to join us in the season ahead.

What do we have?

Sale FC Rugby has every level of rugby for you. From our first team playing Semi-professional rugby in National League One, a social second team playing friendlies with other local teams, even a Vets team for the more mature students! We have our Women’s teams Sale 1861 and Sale Bee’s. Sale 1861 were undefeated last season and this team is a great pathway to playing high level rugby with six of our squad selected by Sale Sharks Women’s team over the summer. Sale Bee’s is a development team for those new to rugby or who wish to play more of a social game. Whichever team it is, we have amazing facilities and top quality coaching.

Tradition and Class

Sale FC are a proud traditional club. Founded in 1861 we are one of the oldest clubs in the world. We have world class facilities down at Carrington training ground and a stadium in the heart of Sale just near Brooklands Tram stop. Come and join us.

Tom Brady (Sale FC) offloads to Jack Moorhouse
Sale FC 14 v Doncaster Knights 42 – Pre-season Friendly 24th August 2019, Heywood Road, Sale, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom (Credit Image: Gareth Lyons for Sale FC 2019)