After an absence of a few years the Sale FC Golf Day got off to a flying start this year with a good size group of members, guests, past players, executive members and even current First Team player Chris Johnson as well as Coach Tote Howcroft.  An excellent and fun day at Withington golf club who were superb hosts. Also special mention to Scott Bambrick for organising the whole day.



Trophy Winners on the day include

  • Arse of the Day: James Hourihan (although I believe this was awarded the day the trophy was made)
  • Longest Drive: Paul Gibbon
  • Sale FC Player of the Day: Paul Gibbon
  • Player of the Day: Sam Dolphin
  • Nearest the Pin: Mr Dugdale
  • Team Winners: Sam Dolphin, Paul Gibbon and Mike Jefferson
  • Lady Player of the Day: Sue Gardiner
  • Also Played: Steve Smith, Richard Trickey (Shorts of the Day)