11 tries as cup run continues

Sale FC 1861 travelled to the North East on Sunday to take on Novocastrians IIs in the last 16 of the Women’s Intermediate Cup.

After an early period of pressure and a couple of strong carries from Katy Bodey, India Perris-Redding skirted round the outside of the defence to open the scoring. 0-5

A few minutes later the lead was extended as Georgia McCulluch picked off an intended pass and strode in from 20m with Aimee Wallace converting. 0-12

The blue & whites were certainly not having everything there own way but on 17 minutes Amber Hallmark scythed through a gap to touch down and, not long after, Willow Bell collected an excellent kick through the defence from Aimee Wallace to score in the corner. 0-22

Further tries from Hannah Kurtz and India Perris-Redding, both converted by Aimee Wallace, gave 1861 a convincing lead at the break. HT 0-36

The North-East side made life difficult at the start of the second 40 but, just after the 50-minute mark, we disrupted a line out, Zena Francis carried over 30m and Kirsty Reid kicked on, winning the race to score. 0-43

Hannah Kurtz and Amber Hallmark doubled their tallies for the game to take 1861 out of sight and late late scores from Zena Francis and Sarah Cornforth added a touch of gloss to the score. FT 0-69

A comprehensive win to take us into a home cup quarter-final against Crewe & Nantwich on Sunday 5th March.