Hi All,

The RFU have now announced that their action plan to commence a safe and phased return to grassroots rugby activity has been approved by the Government. Consequently, the Return to Community Rugby Roadmap  has been updated to show a move from Stage B to Stage C.  This is great news as it means the rugby community is now able to recommence some larger group rugby activity, initially non-contact and subject to adherence with RFU guidance.

Any return to rugby is a decision for individual clubs to make and we must continue to follow government Covid-19 guidelines along with any local government lockdown restrictions that may be in place.

So, what does mean for Sale FC?

Unfortunately, Greater Manchester and more specifically Trafford is under local lockdown restrictions which states; (found here)

  • six people from a number of households may meet outdoors with social distancing

So this means that effectively we MUST remain at level B until such time as local lockdown restrictions in Trafford are relaxed.

Our Senior Men and Ladies continue to train following the strict protocols outlined in my update on 17th July.  In addition, our Colts squad will be returning to training this weekend, following the same protocols.

I appreciate this is a frustrating time but the health and well-being of or players, members and their families is paramount.  If any other age group wants to start training, please speak to the head coach for your age group first who will then discuss with myself and Mark Roberts.