A Club Statement

“The agreement between Sale Sharks and Sale FC Rugby has fantastic benefits for both clubs as we work together to grow rugby in the Northwest. We are very excited about what this means to both clubs and in particular how this will take Sale FC Rugby to where we believe it should be.”



Steve Smith, Chairman , Sale FC Rugby


Sale Sharks and Sale FC Rugby To Work Even Closer

Gallagher Premiership Rugby club Sale Sharks and National One side Sale FC Rugby have announced an initiative to work together more closely than ever before.

The venture entails support from the senior club, on and off the pitch, with Sale FC Rugby rising to Championship status part of the long-term ambition.

Since the advent of professionalism at Rugby Union clubs, the Sharks and the FC have been connected for over twenty five years. Indeed, the Sharks played at the iconic venue of Heywood Road until 2003.Sale FC Rugby have the history and Sale Sharks the professionalism.

They have now agreed to work together more closely than ever before.This latest move allows the two clubs to retain their own identities. They have devised a philosophy that will assist Sale FC Rugby in their ambition to play Championship Rugby whilst avoiding financial difficulties, and concurrently develop Sale Sharks into the strongest rugby franchise in the country.Sale Sharks will continue to invest into its own Academy and also into Sale FC Rugby, making all three teams stronger in their respective competitions.

Whilst both organisations will continue to be separate entities, operating independently in accordance with their status within the game, their rugby departments will co-operate fully.

Corpacq, Morson and Sale Sharks will invest sufficiently and liaise with Sale FC Rugby’s Executives to enable Sale FC Rugby to become a sustainable ‘break even’ business, thus securing the club for years to come.

Sale FC Rugby will benefit from the loan of senior and talented young players on a wider level of availability. Sale Sharks, who have players gaining on-field experience at several clubs, will be able to keep more players at a higher matchday fitness level.The ‘sharing’ of players will strengthen all teams and create a development pathway which all parties believe will be ‘second to none’.Furthermore, Sale FC Rugby will have access to the Sharks’ coaches, dietitians, kicking and scrum coaching expertise and rehabilitation staff.