Match Report

Photos Credited to Mark Ferriss Photography

 Sale FC took on Apmthill RFC in truly appalling conditions at the CorpAcq stadium with the temperature just above freezing and driving rain  adding to the challenge , Sale took what little advantage could be had from winning the toss and began the first half playing with the wind behind them.

Early exchanges were evenly matched, both teams looked to keep the game tight, but unforced errors on both sides interrupted any real opportunity of a breakthrough.

On 10 minutes, with Ampthill asserting some superiority, a penalty was awarded against Sale for collapsing the scrum. The resulting kick by Ampthill centre Wilson found touch inside the Sale 22. From the lineout, a well-orchestrated catch and drive, initially held up by the Sale pack, concluded with a try for Ampthill hooker Lutui on 14 minutes. read more here