Mr John Gardiner 

John Gardiner meant something to everyone here at Sale FC Rugby Club, his former club Wilmslow and his county Cheshire, whom he served during his time as a player, selector and many other roles during his life. 

John joined Sale FC in 1963 from our near neighbours Wilmslow RUFC, he was a 2nd row like his son Andrew, and an occasional No.8 during his playing career here at Heywood Road. During his playing career John also played for Cheshire RFU from 1973 to 1976 

John was most definitely a club legend and stalwart, who served this club alongside his wife Sue leading the club on many fronts from being a Director of Sale Football Club Limited to President (4 years – 2 terms), he was also a representative on the North West Facilities Group, as well as the Anti Assassins as Team Manager. 

Importantly for Sale FC Rugby Club John oversaw the sale of our former training ground on Woodbourne Road, and the purchasing of the land to enable the club to have excellent training facilities that we have today at Carrington, something which we are indebted to John for. 

Aside of his playing and Executive Committee commitments for Sale FC Rugby Club, John was an avid collector of memorabilia from the club, John was said to have a chest full of history of the club, something which he treasured, and put onto film to keep safe as part of the club’s heritage. 

Throughout his married life, he always had his life companion and wife Sue, whom he had three wonderful children with Andrew, Sally and Fiona. Sue herself played a role in the club’s rejuvenation alongside John, combining over 100 years together of supporting Sale FC including the time when the Sharks left Heywood Road, where Sue, John, Fran Cotton amongst others brought the club back from the depths, going into the lower tiers of Cheshire/Lancashire League Rugby before reaching the heady heights of National One where we are today. 

Away from the club, John was a Partner and Quantity Surveyor in the firm Tozer Gallagher, based in Manchester, these job skills served him well throughout his professional life including the building of the premises at Carrington Lane. Further, John was also an avid golfer and played out of the Bramhall Golf Club, where he was regularly seen hitting the fairways and representing the club he loved. John was also a former Past Captain of Bramhall which he took on with great pride and commitment like everything he did in life. 

John will be sadly missed here at Heywood Road, but I am sure you will be sharing a moment of silence with us at the club today and remembering the wonderful work and effort John Gardiner put in to this club. 

John is survived by his wife Sue, son Andrew and daughters Sally and Fiona. We send our sincere condolences to John’s family and may he rest in peace. 

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