April is Bowel Cancer awareness month, and here at Sale FC Rugby we are proud to support this programme.

Sale FC Rugby are proud to announce that they will be supporting the Bowel Cancer Awareness campaign this April. Bowel Cancer sadly takes the lives of 42,000 people each year, and in terms of where it ranks within the forms of the most common cancers, it is the fourth most prominent in the UK ahead of Skin Cancer (Melanomas).
Furthermore, it is perceived that only older adults are more likely to get Bowel Cancer. Currently, the statistics show that every 9 out of 10 (94%) of adults aged over 50, and nearly six in every ten cases (59%) aged over 50 are diagnosed with Bowel Cancer.
However, it must be added that it isn’t just specific to these age groups and is more widely spread in terms of the demographic split. More alarmingly, is the fact that 268,000 people in the UK have been diagnosed with this type of cancer, meaning that 1 in every 15 men and 1 in every 18 women will be diagnosed throughout their lifetime.
How then can you help yourself and others to ensure that you don’t ever suffer this awful cancer?
Above we have a series of simple checks and procedures that people (both men and women) can follow to check for the symptoms that are most common with this type of cancer.
What we must add here is that if you feel or have ANY of these symptoms please make an appointment with your doctor to get checked over by a health care professional.
Here at Sale FC Rugby, we feel it is important to raise awareness of Bowel Cancer as it affects so many lives each year, and also the fact that it really isn’t age discriminatory when it comes to who can actually be directly affected by it.
Upon speaking about our involvement with the Bowel Cancer Awareness campaign for the month of April, General Manager Dave Hulme said “At Sale FC Rugby we are always conscious of the need to raise awareness of campaigns like the Bowel Cancer one, as we have a responsibility within the local and wider communities to ensure that we as a club are able to highlight the importance of getting checked out if you feel or experience any of the common symptoms, that are associated with Bowel Cancer. “
At the game this Saturday (against Plymouth Albion) we will be joined by members of the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust who will be raising awareness themselves about Bowel Cancer.
If you would like to know more about Bowel Cancer, visit the website using the following link here