First win at the rock keeps Sale in the mix

Sale headed to West London to take on 4th placed Rosslyn Park looking for a win that would take the title battle to the wire.

Buoyed by superb travelling support for the second away game running, the dogs started the game well and took the lead in the 15th minute when, following a superb 50/22 from Tom Curtis, Tom Brady’s quick thinking saw him release Fergus Mulchrone to stride over in the corner. 0-5

The hosts finally found a foothold in the game and went in front in the 31st minute, full back, Henry Robinson, going through a gap to score; Luc Smith converted. 7-5

Three minutes before the break, we reestablished our lead when we attacked superbly before James Harper did brilliantly to hit the defensive line and stretch over the whitewash; Tom Curtis added the extras. HT 7-12

The home side started the second 40 the better and drew the scores level when centre, Joe Luca Smith, ghosted through a hole in the defence to sprint 50m and dive over. 12-12

From the 57th minute we spent what seemed like an age 5m from the opposition line, earning penalty after penalty at the scrum which eventually saw prop, Cameron Zeiss, shown a yellow card. This proved pivotal when Jordan Tebbatt picked up the ball from the back of a maul and dived over; Tom Curtis with the conversion. 12-19

Four minutes later, with yet more pressure from the front row who were superb all day, the ref had seen enough and awarded a penalty try, earning the all important bonus point. 12-26

On the 76th minute, the dogs put the result beyond doubt when the catch and drive worked a treat for Oli Longmore to score; Tom Curtis making no mistake again. 12-33

The hosts weren’t done and had the final say when captain, Dan Laventure, benefited from a quickly taken penalty to score in the corner; Luc Smith again on target. FT 19-33

A cracking game of rugby and a superb final away performance of the season to earn our very first win at The Rock and take the title race to the wire. Many thanks to all who travelled to support the boys.